
在好的赌博软件推荐,赌博十大靠谱软件对社区有信心. 赌博十大靠谱软件相信你在这里有一席之地. 你属于谁.

Do you like Ultimate Frisbee on Saturdays and accounting homework on Mondays? Do you love the arts and hope to hit every concert venue in Seattle? 在西雅图太平洋找到你的位置和你的伙伴.


当校园是你的大本营, 你有地方可以学习, 休息, 交一些会陪伴你一生的朋友.


At Seattle Pacific, you encounter an on-campus living experience unlike any other. 在这里, your residence hall is more than a place you live: it's where you learn, 成长, 建立一生的友谊, 追寻你的使命. 这是你找到学术支持的地方, 改变生活的社区活动, and leaders who will help you transition to college and prepare for your future.

Each year, your experience will be tailored to where you are in your college journey. 你的 on-site support team of student leaders is here from day 1 to answer questions, 策划社区活动, 和你一起祈祷, 主持学习会议, and help connect you with major and career opportunities. 







Seattle is known for its foodie culture, and SPU is no exception. From award-winning Gwinn Commons to Starbucks coffee at Academic Perks, 校园里的美食从来都不遥远.



SPU students showing off the assortment of food options at Gwinn Commons


好的赌博软件推荐,多元化不仅仅是一个流行语. It’s part of our commitment to the gospel and our mission to engage the culture and change the world.


如果你是有色人种的学生, 第一代大学生, or a student who comes from an urban or diverse high school, we will give you the tools you need to succeed at 好的赌博软件推荐.

We recognize that attending a university demographically different from your high school or family can be difficult, 这就是为什么赌博十大靠谱软件从一开始就支持你:

  • 一位专门的多元文化外展招生顾问
  • 的年代.P.A.C.E. (Seattle Pacific Access to College Experience) event for junior and senior high school students, where you’ll connect with other students and learn about SPU, 招生过程, 金融援助, 和更多的
  • 早期的连接, a unique 取向 program for students of color and first-generation college students
  • 跨文化静修机会
  • Option for biology-related majors to apply for BioCORE Scholars program our leadership program providing networking opportunities, 导师, 夏季研究周, 在SPU的布雷克利岛野外站休息.


在SPU, you will find intentional friendships and support from faculty and staff who care about 正义 and reconciliation. 

在过去十年里, we have been committed to increasing the diversity of our student body, 深入讨论种族问题, 正义, 和特权. 

  • 赌博十大靠谱软件50%的本科生是有色人种
  • 42% of our new students are the first in their families to attend college
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件的学生来自46个州和38个国家

在这里 are some other ways on campus students can learn more about race, identity, and reconciliation:

  • 多民族的程序, 这支持了学术研究, 社会, and cultural adjustment and success of students from diverse backgrounds (domestically and abroad) through programs and activities
  • A 和解小 offered by the 神学院 that can be paired with any major
  • 约翰·珀金斯中心 for Reconciliation, Leadership Training, and 社区 Development
  • 跨文化学生社团,包括黑人学生会,M.E.Ch.A. 拉丁美洲学生社团, 少数族裔医学院预科学生协会, 菲律宾裔美国学生协会, 哦,夏威夷, 还有更多
  • 大学部门” 多元文化敬拜之夜 事件




On or off the field, SPU’s 体育运动 program has something for everyone.

If you’re a student-athlete at SPU, you’ll compete in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference. 的年代PU Falcon teams regularly win conference championships, 猎鹰队的运动员获得了全国冠军, 全美洲的, 以及所有学术奖项. 不仅如此, but our many awards for academics and athletics also means that your life as an athlete is integrated into the 休息 of your experience, so you can pursue your calling even as you pursue the win.

  • 篮球
  • 越野
  • 足球
  • Track & 场
  • 篮球
  • 越野
  • 划船
  • 足球
  • Track & 场
  • 排球
  • 高尔夫球

来为赌博十大靠谱软件猎鹰队的主场比赛加油吧, where you’ll find a positive fan environment and a few quirky traditions. 你的学生证是免费的.

SPU’s dance and cheer teams also lead the fan support at home basketball games.



We also offer some NCAA第二组 Athletic 奖学金 at varying amounts. 请致电206-281-2085与教练联系.



With more than 1,000 students participating, SPU has an incredibly active intramurals program. 这个节目给你带来乐趣, 兴奋, and challenging team activities — regardless of your skill level and experience. With your options ranging from floor hockey to ping pong, participating in 校内的 at SPU just might be one of the highlights of the quarter for you.

Check out the most recent offerings — from one-off tournaments to full-on competitions.



赌博十大靠谱软件希望你成功,就这么简单. That’s why we’ve put together specialized teams to come alongside you — from application to graduation, 及以后.


  • 你的 学术顾问 helps you navigate SPU’s academic system and stay on track to graduate on time.
  • 你的 教师顾问 will help you with your major, internship opportunities, and career advice. 你的第一位指导老师将被分配给你.
  • 职业和职业中心 帮助你发现你的才能,实现你的目标.
  • 学习中心 提供辅导和残疾支持服务.
  • 多民族的程序 促进所有学生跨文化理解.
  • 居住生活小组 监督校园生活和学习社区.
  • 学生辅导中心 房屋咨询和心理健康服务.
  • 卫生服务 在低成本的诊所提供高质量的护理.
  • 大学的部门 提供教牧辅导及组织团体敬拜.
  • 学生支援小组 希望能帮助所有需要额外指导的学生.
  • 当然还有 学生财务服务 团队为你而来.
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